Off the Couch: Fun, Safe Alternatives to Screen Time

Sunken Gardens. Photo by City of St. Petersburg
Sunken Gardens. Photo by City of St. Petersburg

If there’s one thing we all have in common over the past year, it’s a whole lot of hours logged in front of a screen. Sure, it’s a safe way to stay entertained while so many other options are off the table, but it can also be a real bummer. When it feels like your closest pals are the buddies from Friends, the news, or YouTube, it’s definitely time to mix things up – but how?

If you get a little creative, you can find all manner of alternatives to screen time, both in and outside the house. Whether you’re solo, with kiddos, housemates, or even with socially distanced friends and family, there are plenty of great opportunities to get off the couch and away from devices!

Theme Nights

Whether you’ve been with family or roommates these past few months, you’ve likely fallen into a somewhat monotonous routine. Spice it up by adding a weekly theme night. Consider, for example, a “French Night.” Lean into the cliches! Listen to French cafe music, don your cheesiest themed apparel like a beret and a striped shirt, enjoy a bottle of French wine for the grownups and sparkling grape juice for the kids, make a marvelous French onion soup, torch some creme brulee, then paint or color your meal in the style of greats like Van Gogh or Monet, or try your hand at sketching the Arc de Triomphe or Tour Eiffel. Theme night options abound. Get creative!

Field Days

For merrymaking that gets your blood pumping, gather a few kiddos for an outdoor, socially-distanced day of fun and games. Go old school with a potato sack race and a rollicking game of Simon Says; create a scavenger hunt, relay race, or even a makeshift obstacle course! Take along a Bluetooth speaker to get things rocking, and don’t forget to have everyone bring their own drinks and snacks. Field days are just as fun for grownups who are craving social time and an opportunity to blow off steam.

Game Time

If you’re looking to avoid screen time at home, pick up a couple of new board games to play as a family, a couple, or even solo. Modern games have matured well past old faithfuls like Monopoly and Clue. Choose Your Own Adventure makes games that are just as fun for adults as they are for kids, and Dixit is a great creative outlet for adults or the whole family. Unsurprisingly, two-player games have been big over the past year. A few that play as well with two as they do a crew are Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Viticulture, and Wingspan. The latter two even have an option for playing solo!

Nature It Up

With plenty of local bike trails, nature hikes, and opportunities to kayak and stand-up paddleboard, there’s no excuse for staying out of the sun! Especially this time of year, getting outside is a true joy, and a great way to avoid crowds. These even make wonderful opportunities to spend time with friends at a healthy distance. Answer the call of the wild!

Let’s mix things up, St. Pete! Before long we’ll be back to business as usual, but in the meantime, remember to take time away from the devices. Your body and mind will thank you.