Vernon & Vernon CPAs: Accounting Services for Every Need

Discovering the nuances among accounting-service providers can sometimes be a challenging. When seeking proficient tax guidance, QuickBooks consultancy, estate and trust planning, or IRS representation, consider placing Vernon & Vernon CPAs at the forefront of your options. 

With a dedicated emphasis on strategic planning and advisory services, a significant portion of their clientele comprises medium-sized enterprises spanning various sectors. “Last year, we managed to save one of our clients over $215,000 in taxes,” co-founder Garth Vernon says. He emphasizes two primary objectives: minimizing your effective tax rate and ensuring meticulous documentation to facilitate smooth audits. The firm extends its services to individuals as well as small to large businesses.

A Legacy of Entrepreneurship 

Vernon’s entrepreneurial spirit ignited during his junior year in high school, when a tornado ravaged his hometown of Wichita Falls, Texas. He embarked on a venture with a friend, offering to salvage bricks from demolished houses, an endeavor that showcased his early business acumen. Vernon pursued entrepreneurship and accounting at Baylor University, then earned a master’s degree in taxation from the University of Texas, San Antonio.

Vernon commenced his professional career at Deloitte in Dallas, where fate led him to his future wife, Monica, during a corporate-training session. A wager on a Dallas football game ultimately steered them toward the St. Petersburg area, a locale Vernon had grown fond of. Transitioning to KPMG, his encounter with a client’s tax-department predicament inspired the inception of Vernon & Vernon in 1999, with Monica spearheading the endeavor. 

Forging Direct Connections with the IRS 

Navigating challenges with the IRS is a forte of Vernon & Vernon, thanks to their direct access to a practitioner hotline. Garth Vernon leverages this resource daily, often assisting clients in securing penalty waivers through the First Time Abatement policy, a lesser-known IRS provision.

Harnessing Technological Advancements for Optimal Efficiency

The firm prides itself on its tech-forward approach, having eschewed physical file rooms for over 15 years. Embracing artificial intelligence this year bolsters their scanning accuracy, while seamless integration with QuickBooks online streamlines client collaboration. Beyond mere obligations, the team at Vernon & Vernon consistently exceeds expectations, ensuring swift turnaround times and comprehensive support across a spectrum of accounting services.

Garth Vernon’s personal fulfillment stems from devising tax-saving strategies for clients while fostering an environment of exceptional service delivery infused with enjoyment. 

Vernon & Vernon’s offices are 424 22nd Ave N in St. Pete. For information, visit, call (727) 393-1922, or email [email protected]


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