Heme on Call: Helping Women Get Enough Iron

If you experience excessive tiredness and fatigue even after a good night’s sleep, you may want to get tested for iron deficiency. If it turns out you have this condition, you are certainly not alone. According to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), “Iron-deficiency anemia is a significant, global public health issue. More than one-third of women under 50 are found to be iron-deficient.” The organization recommends that all women and girls who menstruate regularly be screened for iron deficiency, not just for anemia and not just during pregnancy. Nutrition researchers advise that vegetarians and vegans, who might not consume enough iron-rich foods, should also get checked regularly.

Dr. Steven Fein founded Heme on Call in 2020. A board-certified hematologist and oncologist with over 20 years of experience, he realized early in his career that iron deficiency was a serious women’s health issue that wasn’t being addressed. He established four Fem Iron infusion Centers throughout Florida to encourage iron testing and treatment. As part of their mission, they offer free walk-in iron testing at the St. Pete center every Friday. 

Free testing for iron deficiency is available every Friday at 1506 54th Ave. N in St. Pete.

Why Iron is Important

Iron is used to manufacture hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. It’s also essential for other cellular functions and hormone production. When the body’s iron stores dip, the remaining iron is redirected to the maintenance of red blood cells at the expense of heart, brain and muscular functions. 

According to chief operating officer Dayne Alonso, symptoms of iron deficiency can include shortness of breath, brain fog, fatigue, hair loss, dizziness, increased sensitivity to cold temperatures, heart palpitations and even the frequent desire to chew ice. “These could be a sign of many other health conditions as well, so it is certainly worthwhile to get tested.”

Pregnancy is also a time when you should have your iron levels checked regularly. Before a planned pregnancy, Dr. Fein believes you should have your hemoglobin and iron status assessed and treated before attempting conception. You should be checked again throughout your pregnancy, particularly at the beginning of the third trimester, since after that time your baby is taking almost all of your iron.

Why Infusions are More Effective Than Pills 

Gigi Campos, director of business development and analytics, explains that while you can certainly get iron from your diet or by taking iron pills, infusions will give you the maximum absorption in the shortest length of time. “You can absorb a maximum of 5 milligrams  of iron per day in a healthy gut if you take iron pills. With an infusion of iron, your body can absorb as much as 1,000 milligrams per day. Also, iron pills can often cause cramping and constipation that you usually won’t experience with an infusion.”

Fem Iron Infusions accepts most insurance plans including Medicare. Heme on Call (hemeoncall.com) also offers telemedicine appointments with Dr. Fein for any type of blood disorders and blood cancers, including clotting, bleeding, abnormal blood counts and chronic leukemia. 

“I needed an infusion during pregnancy,” Nydia Alvarez says, “and this practice made the process easy and comfortable. From the consultation to the actual day I went to the infusion center, it was a good experience. The ladies at the center explain the process and are very attentive. This practice cares about their patients and works hard to provide them with the highest-quality care.” 

Free testing for iron deficiency is available every Friday at 1506 54th Ave. N in St. Pete. For information, please visit https://femironinfusions.com, call (786) 481-0864 or email [email protected].


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Suzanne Driscoll is a freelance writer from St. Petersburg, Florida. She has written for national publications on issues involving business, healthcare, photography, education and immigration.